Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer with MDA

In Southern California, we think it is really summer when the ‘June gloom’ (which lasted into July) finally lifts!

For us at the MDA office summer also means that we are getting out our
annual Newsletter, making plans for mission visitation to Cameroon in the fall, saying good bye to mission doctors and families headed to begin long and short-term missions, and preparing to speak at several Catholic parishes as part of the Mission Co-op. (Tomorrow alone Dr. and Mrs. Jim Hake leave for Cameroon to serve three years and the Elfrink family are headed to Hillside Clinic in Beliez!)

This year Dr. Phil Hawley, who recently returned from Guatemala, will be speaking at Our Lady of the Pillar Church in Santa Ana, in the Diocese of Orange. Dr. Kate Bolton and Mr. John Ruley, who will spend September in Uganda, will speak later in the summer at Santa Maria and St. Benedict in the Diocese of Oakland. I have already had the opportunity to share the story of MDA with the parishioners at St. Mary Magdalen, I will be at St. John Baptist in Granada Hills this weekend, and then at the end of the month at St. Pancratius in Lakewood.

It such a wonderful opportunity to share with the parishioners information on how lay Catholics are sharing their skills and living their faith around the world, this too is a part of the mission!

Please say a prayer for all of us who will be sharing our missionary work, and for those traveling that they arrive safely – we know they will all receive a warm welcome, from Uganda to Belize, from Cameroon to Guatemala!

Thank you