This Sunday we will hear the beautiful and familiar Sermon on the Mount, the Gospel reading that gives us the Beatitudes. These Beatitudes are a hopeful message of God’s love and gives us the template against which we can hold our actions. Am I poor in spirit, meek, merciful, pure of heart, am I a peacemaker?Do I hunger and thirst for righteousness and am I willing to be persecuted for it?
The dedicated doctors and their families that serve in the missions are indeed poor in spirit living simply for the sake of their faithful service. And sadly, due to limited resources they have far too many opportunities to mourn at the bedside of a patient. At times faced with the inequities they experience, I know they have a deep hunger for a remedy that would address the underlying injustices. Matthew goes on beyond the Beatitudes quoting Jesus "You are the light of the world." "...your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father." The good that is done by Mission Doctors is a form of this light, may others may see the good and give glory to God! How are you finding ways to live the Beatitudes and be the light of the world?
"There are many other doctors more deserving of the award.” This is the answer our office received from Dr. Michael Fitzgerald, in response to his nomination. However, this Sunday on the Feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist, it was my honor to witness Dr. Fitzgerald receiving the Mission Doctors Association, 2009 Catholic Doctor of the Year Award at the Archdiocese of Los Angeles White Mass.
While it was a daunting task deciding on the award winner from the more than a 1000 nominations sent out nationwide, Dr. Fitzgerald stood apart for his commitment to his community and those around the world.
Dr. Fitzgerald volunteers with the Poverello Clinic, a free clinic for the uninsured. His service has also taken him to the Sacre Coeur Hospital in Milot, Haiti, as well as hosting Haitian physicians who come to the US for specialized training. Dr. Fitzgerald in addtion serves annually as a volunteer physician accompanying and ministering to the sick and disabled who make the pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes, in southern France.
Thank you Dr. Michael Fitzgerald for your dedication to your patients and your ability to recognize the face of Christ in all you serve.
To learn more about Dr. Michael Fitzgerald, please read the spread on the award and his service from the Diocese of Syracuse paper.