Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Special Day

I recently had a phone call from Mother Antonia who reminded me that December 8th is a special day, not only because it is celebrated as a holy day of obligation, commemorating the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Mother Antonia told me that it is also the anniversary of the ordination of our mutual founder, Msgr. Anthony Brouwers.

Mother Antonia shared that every year she has seen special miracles on and around this date that affirm for her Msgr. Brouwers’ place among the saints. One such miracle spared one of her own sisters an amputation due to medical complications.

We too remember our founder in a special way on December 8th. Msgr. Brouwers dedicated this movement of lay people to the missions to this feast of the Immaculate Conception which we celebrate. Let us work to continue his legacy of international service for Catholic laity through our prayers and all our efforts.

If you have had the opportunity to be blessed, as Mother Antonia has been, in seeing or experiencing special miracles on or around December 8th – perhaps invoking the prayers of Msgr. Brouwers, please write up a brief description and send it in…
Perhaps one day they may be a first step in acknowledging the sanctity of our founder.

Of course we know many holy people who have lived and died are counted among the Saints, as Mother Antonia reminded me. Our parents, family, and friends who make up the heavenly choirs. If we area able to acknowledge Msgr. Brouwers presence among them, it may help more people know of his legacy in the mission work we strive to continue.

If you would like to know more about Mother Antonia and the Religious order she founded – there is a book about her life – “The Prison Angel: Mother Antonia's Journey from Beverly Hills to a Life of Service in a Mexican Jail”, available on Amazon.

If you would like to know more about our founder, Msgr. Anthony Brouwers, LMH and MDA have a book available about his life and work: “For We are God’s Helpers’ - you can obtain a copy of this inspirational book by contacting LMH.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Its that time again.

Time to wait in joyful anticipation.

While we wait, we struggle to wrestle back the meaning of the Holidays from the commercial trappings that encircle us.

Of course, it is wonderful to find gifts that make our family andloved ones smile, feel loved, and know how much we appreciate them each day of the year. Yet all too easily the gift giving can become a task, a reciprocal duty that looses any meaning. It is wonderful to deck the halls, but too easy to get so busy that the days just pass without time for reflection and prayer.

So as we wait this very blessed season of Advent - we light a candle each week on the Advent wreath, the growing light increasing to banish the darkness.

Sometimes for me it can feel like I have one foot in the holy – the true reasons and meaning of this season, and the other foot deeply and busily emerged in the preparations, decorations, baking, shopping, wrapping, and preparing. What I want to try to do this year is not see these as separate things but pull all the seemingly busy work into the holy – prepare with joy; decorate with gladness; bake and shop with the true intention of making my friends and family happy; wrap and prepare with a peaceful heart intent on preparing myself too for Christ to come.
Wishing you joy this Advent.
Let us light the candles together and keep both feet exactly where they should be!


Of course I do have two commercial messages for Mission Doctors
– for those of you who like me shop online – you can just shop as you would, but go through and support Mission Doctors.

And – if you would like to make a gift to Mission Doctors Association in someone’s name this holiday, we have prepared
beautiful full color cards for you to let them know of your kindness.