Sunday, February 14, 2016


Here we are the first Sunday of Lent- beginning of our liturgical journey which ends with Easter and Pentecost and any trip begins with the first step. True enough but why talk about temptation immediately, it seems so negative and depressing, why not focus on something uplifting?

Today’s reading from the Gospel of Luke does indeed focus on temptation, specifically the story of Satan tempting Jesus three times when He was in the desert. While this may seem a depressing topic (who really wants to focus on his/her sins?) it is filled with hope. We are all tempted at times do not be loving to others, to not listen, to be selfish, jealous, not to forgive, to be angry, or greedy or gluttonous. It is a common human experience and many of us feel powerless in the face of temptation. This Gospel takes this common experience and shows us that even Jesus was tempted (He is not only divine but shares our human nature) and resisted. We have a God who understands what it is like to be distracted by the allurements of sin but one who promises to be with us to resist. A God who loves us, forgives us when we sin and helps us resist sin.

But temptations to evil are only part of the story.

Daily we also have 'temptations' to do good; the Holy Spirit is alive and moves amongst us in our daily life. The Spirit is constantly calling us to be more loving, more understanding of difficult co-workers, family and friends, or to be more fearless in living as a Christian. In addition to realizing that temptation to sin is real and that God is with us to resist- perhaps we can also ask:
How is the Spirit moving me this Lent to be a better Christian?
How are we called to be a better husband/wife/son/daughter?
Are they people who could be helped by a visit and listening ear?
How can I help people who bring healing to the world?

Mission Doctors Association provides the support, financial and practical, to enable many doctors to respond to the Holy Spirit in order to bring healing to God's poor. It invites us to participate in this healing mission through prayer and financial support.

Perhaps the Spirit is ‘tempting’ you to pray and donate to this work during Lent?

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